A games that give me a certain feeling (10/28/2022) Radio the Universe is a game ment to be coming out some time in the future. It's been in devolopment for somtin' like five years or so. I only was aware that it exsisted because I saw the most recent trailer. But the instant I saw that trailer it was like yo, somthins here. I've wanted to encrogae the creator 6E6E6E but how do I do that? Put a comment on the itch page saying somthing like, "hi! I've been waiting for this game since 2020 haha, is the release on the way? I really want to play it." Or, "I hope you're doing well!" As a consumer of this project anything I might say feels like its in the interest of the product. At least I hope thats not why I want to know where the project is in its creation. The game will come out. There's no dought about that. But, I wonder, if releasing a project like this would feel a little weird. A five year project, I asume started when 6E could be still learning how to make games. The idea of stopping work on it, not being able to create more of this world you spent 5 years creating in would be a little weird? I've never spent that amount of time on any of my project so I can only imagine what it would be like.
Good luck sixe. May your gods smile upon you.