..\ 20230412 We're all either in a hotel or a church and the whole gang is around a table. we got two extra people there: Madie (Madie says hi) and Will (Will is tallish). these two have the personalities of multable people from Madrigals. Everyone else is normal. But no one is distinctly outlined. I don't remember anyones face with absolute certainty, but we're all havin a grand old time, tellin jokes, tellin stories. I lean on a friends sholder. I haven't touched another person in a while. It feels freindly, maybye awkward, a little sad perhapes. At one point i run off into the backrooms of this place and nate tells me to wait up. We go through a web of hallway/rooms (*i mean they both have the aesthetic quality of room and hallway at the same time*) that have tan office carpet and tan flat wall paint, all connected by door frames. We come to a door entrance. The entrance leads strait into a wall (*there's no floor, just a crack to the ceiling*). Climb through the door frame onto the wall (*like spider-man but you can feel gravity*), look sidways through and between the door frame and the wall, climb through as you fight gravity, onto the floor of a hallway, as the ceiling bends away. Look back and you see a kaleidoscope of wall, door frame, floor, and ceiling that you just climbed through. I think we're looking for something. Or somthing's looking for us? Anyways, the dream looses clarity there, and we wondered around for a little longer before my mind changed tapes. 20230411 creativly speaking... i think it might always be better to do as much as you can with what you have,
rather than think about you could do if you had somthing else.
let alone get the thing you think might help. that is the greatest sin... ... or so they say anyways. 20230305 "Corporate sigils are super-breeders. They attack unbranded imaginative space. They invade Red Square, they infest the cranky streets of Tibet, they etch themselves into hairstyles. They breed across clothing, turning people into advertising hoardings... The logo or brand, like any sigil, is a condensation, a compressed, symbolic summoning up of the world of desire which the corporation intends to represent... Walt Disney died long ago but his sigil, that familiar, cartoonish signature, persists, carrying its own vast weight of meanings, associations, nostalgia and significance." - Grant Morrison
20230222 xrsxtuyubufcewresyknuylimouyfbbrtvdtvriublhoimo this is a unique word! wow! fantastic! 20230212 "are ya donin' it for the pepol, or ya just tryin' to hide away" -> Photay
This is on loop in my head. 20230205

There is no perfect name to fit a person. It seams that it is more the person that gives the name infinite meaning. Indevidual experience has no single sound that could copy its emotions. The experience itself is its own name.


in a dark golden cage
the wrath of kravohi speaks the truth

a twisted realality
the truth
no less

focus in self pitty

no childhood
no fanticies
those are the evil of the univerce

good night
sleep tight
don't dream ungodly dreams